Why You’ll Love Inspiration4 Mission to Space!

Inspiration4 Mission to Space brings to life the challenge of sending four non-astronauts into orbit. It’s everything we love about binge-watching a TV show!
Why You’ll Love Inspiration4 Mission to Space!
We love a “thinking” space documentary, something that “lingers” in our minds for a while. Sometimes it’s good to relax and watch something that’s not so intellectually heavy. Inspriation4 is an easy-to-watch, binge-able, Sunday afternoon kind of show.
Limited Series = Shorter Time Commitment
This limited series Netflix space documentary has five episodes. It’s more of a time commitment than our other Best Space Documentary recommendations, but it’s not a “Cosmos” level of commitment.
This is definitely one of the best space documentaries on Netflix The ability to get to know the crew members will keep you intrigued.
Grab some popcorn and get ready to see how four ordinary people train for space travel. To be transparent, one of the four is a self-made billionaire. The other three crew members are regular folks!
Get To Know The Inspiration4 Crew
Four crew members represent the mission pillars of Leadership, Hope, Generosity, and Prosperity. In episodes 1 & 2, we meet the crew.
- Leadership: Jared Isaacman, Commander & Benefactor. Isaacman may excite a new generation of potential space explorers.
- Hope: Hayley Arceneaux is a childhood cancer survivor. Her journey with St. Judes inspired her to return as a PA with leukemia and lymphoma patients. Spoiler alert: tears may fill your eyes upon meeting her.
- Generosity: Chris Sembroski represents a generous spirit after winning his spot on Inspiration4. St Judes held a Super Bowl fundraising campaign. All donors received an entry to become crewmembers! Sembroski donated $500 and won the trip of a lifetime. He may have forgotten to tell his wife that he entered a trip to go to space…
- Prosperity: Dr. Sian Proctor represents an entrepreneurial spirit and a lifelong passion for space exploration. Dr. Proctor missed the cut-off to be actual NASA astronaut years ago. Today she’s getting her shot. Her unbridled excitement for this journey will fill you with joy.
Inspiration4 raised over $240 million for St. Judes Children’s Research Hospital.

Amazing Views Of Space
This all-civilian crew orbited around the earth, and the show revealed stunning views.
The final episode of this space documentary takes us on the ride of a lifetime! The Inspiration4 crew lifts off from Kennedy Space Center. Awe takes over when the reality of being in orbit, and the window view, set in for the crewmembers.
Footage of earth mesmerizes crew and viewers alike. Finally, it’s space exploration from your couch!
Inspriration4: Worth the Watch
Why should Inspiration4 have its place in your viewing Netflix queue? Most space documentaries focus on theoretical science, the “what’s possible.” Inspiration4 is all about applied science. Seeing and experiencing equates to believing.
You’ll experience how it feels for ordinary civilians to travel into space.
There’s an unending universe out there. Inspiration4 will leave you ready to pack your bags and do a little space travel yourself.
After you’ve watched and fallen in love with Inspiration4 click here to view our full list of space documentary recommendations!